
‘’If we are to exist, sustainability is the only way to operate. Sustainability is also much cheaper way to operate!’’

For the last 4.5 billion years the natural world operated sustainably, only with slight modifications to progress in evolution. The Great Circle of Life is the best example of sustainability. From the nutrients in the soil, the vegetation grows, from the vegetation the herbivores feed, from herbivores the predators feed, and once they die they turn to the very nutrients in the soil. And this is how it all works.

With increasing intelligence, the human species began to exploit its environment and resources within and so the destruction began. It is crazy to think that we are still supporting the production of fossil fuels, plastic and other substances that are killing our future when all resources are out there and free.

The Earth’s vegetation captures 3 trillion kilowatt hours of solar energy each day. This is almost 20 times the energy we need. The wind doesn’t always blow by itself, but we create it when we move, such as driving. Plastic is not only a hazardous substance that leaches harmful chemicals causing estrogenic activity and cancer but also is suffocating our world. And who would ever think that growing our food along with poisons would be a great idea?

We at ZOQ understand the essential need of sustainability and so our facilities are 100% sustainably operated. This serves as an example to businesses around the world to do the same. It is not that we can, but we must.

Below you can find some of ZOQ’s sustainability commitments.


ZOQ operates on 100% renewable energy. The primary generator of energy is axis vertical wind turbines on breeze days, the secondary generator of energy is solar panelling for windless sunny days and battery storage for the third auxiliary.

Waste Pollution

Four-bin recycling system will be installed throughout the entire facility and all our operations with strict recycling policies. Mixed soft drinks will be provided in biodegradable and reusable cups and thus replace mainstream soft drink brands in plastic packaging.


Our cleaning liquids and other chemical products will be environmentally friendly and used wisely.

Water Collection & Recycling

Rainwater tanks for water collection will be installed by every ZOQ building. Once used, e.g. for cleaning this water will be diverted to our nursery for threatened species of plants or irrigation of surrounding vegetation.


The entire facility will be constructed from smart and green architecture to use external resources at the highest efficiency.

Organic Compost

Our biowaste will be turned into organic compost for our nursery for threatened species of plants, surrounding vegetation or flora conservation programs.